covid-19 effectiveness on Hydrochloroquine dr von schwarz

No Evidence Hydrochloroquine Prevents or Cures COVID-19 – Cardiologist Dr. Ernst von Schwarz

Doctors who prescribe hydrochloroquine / hydroxychloroquine as a prevention for COVID-19 act irresponsibly, says Los Angeles cardiologist Dr. Ernst von Schwarz.

No Evidence that Hydrochloroquine Prevents or Cures COVID-19 says Cardiologist Dr. Ernst von Schwarz

“Hydrochloroquine is a well known drug used for malaria as well as for certain inflammatory connective tissue diseases such as lupus or rheumatoid arthritis. Hydrochloroquine toxicity for the heart has been reported as early as in 1987. Several case reports in the scientific literature show rare but sometimes life-threatening conditions such as heart failure and arrhythmia, in some cases leading to permanent heart damage due to thickening of the heart walls, congestive heart failure even occurring rapidly, and different kinds of heart irregularities. Some of those patients needed a heart transplant, while others died.”

“There is no evidence that hydrochloroquine prevents a bad outcome after someone has contracted COVID-19 and does not seem to prevent the infection.”

“Doctors should be cautious to prescribe hydrochloroquine / hydroxychloroquine for COVID-19 patients without proper evaluation of the heart. Patients receiving the drug need to undergo frequent cardiac testing, even in the long run.”