

Book Chapters

  • Schwarz ER. The course of pepsin in the stomach after proximal selective vagotomy. [Der Verlauf des Pepsinspiegels im Magensaft nach selektiv proximaler Vagotomie]. Disserationsschrift Philipps-Universitaet Marburg, Germany, 1989.
  • Schaper J, Schwarz ER, Elsasser A. The ultrastructure of hibernating myocardium. in: Stunning and hibernation in the heart, eds. R Ferrari & P Harris, 72-74, Canal Press, Venice, 1993.
  • Schwarz ER, Montino H, Fleischhauer J. Das Schweineherz als ein geeignetes Modell zur Untersuchung von Myokardinfarkt, ventrikulärer Kontraktilität und Myokardprotektion. [The pig heart as a suitable model for studying myocardial infarction, contractility, and myocardial protection]. In: Versuchstiere- Qualitätssicherung in Humanmedizin und biologischer Forschung [Experimental animals in medicine and research], editor W Küpper, Universitätsdruckerei FEM & GV SOLAS, FU Berlin 24-36; 1997.
  • Schwarz ER, Hammerman H, Kloner RA. Q-wave myocardial infarction. In: Current Practice in Medicine, 2nd edition, Roger C. Bone, Series Editor, Joseph S. Alpert, Section Editor. Current Medicine, Philadelphia. 1998.
  • Schwarz ER, Hammerman H, Kloner RA. Q-wave myocardial infarction. In: Current Practice in Medicine, 3rd edition, Roger C. Bone, Series Editor, Joseph S. Alpert, Section Editor. Current Medicine, Philadelphia. 1999.
  • Schwarz ER, Hammerman H, Kloner RA. Q-wave myocardial infarction. In: Cardiology for the Primary Care Physician, 3rd edition, J. S. Alpert, editor, Current Science Group, Philadelphia. 1999.
  •  Schwarz ER. Koronarangiographische Befunde und intravaskulaere Haemodynamik by symptomatischen Patienten mit koronaren Muskelbruecken: eine Untersuchung zur klinischen und funktionellen Bedeutung und Therapie dieser haeufigsten Koronaranomalie. [Coronary angiographic findings and intravascular hemodynamics in symptomatic patients with myocardial bridging – a study to assess functional and clinical relevance of the most common coronary anomaly]. Habilitationsschrift RWTH Universitaetsklinikum Aachen, Germany, 1999.
  • Schwarz ER, Skobel EC. Q-wave myocardial infarction. In: Current Practice of Medicine and Cardiology for thr Primary Care Physician, GSG Philadelphia, Current Sciences, Philadelphia, PA, 2001.
  • Schwarz ER, Gupta R. Non-ST segment elevation myocardial infarction. In: Cardiology for the Primary Care Physician, 4th edition, Current Sciences, Philadelphia, PA, 2005.
  • IsHak WW, Stewart S, Pechnik R, Huang W, Schwarz ER. Substance induced sexual disorders. Chapter 3, in: Guidebook of Sexual Medicine, ed. Waguih W. Ishak, A&W Publishing Group, Beverly Hills, CA, 2008.
  • IsHak WW, Amiri SR, Schwarz ER. Sexual disorders due to general medical conditions. Chapter 4, in: Guidebook of Sexual Medicine, ed. Waguih W. Ishak, A&W Publishing Group, Beverly Hills, CA, 2008
    Revised 2nd edition, Jan 2017.
  • Chien C, Schwarz ER. Erectile dysfunction and cardiovascular disease. In: Cardiology for the boards, 2010
  • Baraghoush A, Phan A, Willix RD, Schwarz ER. Erectile dysfunction as a complication of heart failure. Current Heart Failure Reports, 2010.
  • Schwarz ER. Erectile Dysfunction, in Textbook of Internal Medicine, Springer, 2014.
dr ernst von schwarz publications

Member of the Editorial Board of Scientific Journals

  • European Heart Journal
  • Journal of Molecular Medicine
  • Laboratory Investigation
  • The New England Journal of Medicine
  • Circulation
  • Circulation Research
  • Journal of Clinical Investigatio n
  • American Journal of Cardiology
  • American Heart Journal
  • The Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery
  • Medizinische Klinik
  • Zeitschrift für Rheumatologie
  • Basic Research in Cardiology
  • Journal of Pharmacological Sciences (formerly: Japanese Journal of Pharmacology)
  • Journal of the American College of Cardiology
  • Pharmacology
  • Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE (JZUS, China), The International Journal
  • Cardiovascular Drugs and Therapy
  • International Journal of Impotence Research
  • Cardiovascular Drugs and Therapy
  • Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice
  • Andrology
  • Revista Española de Cardiología
  • The Journal of Sexual Medicine
  • Indian Journal of Medical Research
  • Journal of Andrology
  • Growth Hormone & IGF Research
  • Urology
  • Journal of Cardiac Failure
  • Cardiology
  • Journal of Postgraduate Medicine
  • Journal of Urology
  • Expert Review of Cardiovascular Therapy
  • Growth Hormone & IGF Research
  • Pharmacological Research
  • Expert Opinion on Emerging Drugs
  • Future Drugs
  • Future Medicine
  • Women’s Health



  • Sack S, Mohri M, Schwarz ER, Arras M, Schaper J, Ballagi-Pordany G, Scholz W, Lang HJ, Schölkens BA, Schaper W. Effects of a new Na+/H+ antiporter inhibitor on postischemic reperfusion in pig heart. J Cardiovasc Pharmacol 23:72-78; 1994.


  • Sack S, Mohri M, Arras M, Schwarz ER, Schaper W. Ischaemic preconditioning – time course of renewal in the pig. Cardiovasc Res 27: 551-555; 1993.


  • Sack S, Mohri M, Arras M, Schwarz ER, Schaper W. Ischaemic preconditioning – time course of renewal in the pig. Cardiovasc Res 27: 551-555; 1993.


  • Tebbe U, Windeler J, Boesl I, Hoffmann H, Wojcik J, Ashmawy M, Schwarz ER, Loewis of Menar P, Rosemeyer P, Hopkins G, Barth H on behalf of the LIMITS Study group. Thrombolysis with recombinant unglycosylated single-chain urokinase-type plasminogen activator (saruplase) in acute myocardial infarction: influence of heparin on early patency rate (LIMITS Study). J Am Coll Cardiol 26:365-73; 1995.


  • Schwarz ER, Schaper J, vom Dahl J, Altehoefer C, Grohmann B, Schoendube F, Sheehan FH, Uebis R, Buell U, Messmer BJ, Schaper W, Hanrath P. Myocyte degeneration and cell death in hibernating human myocardium. J Am Coll Cardiol 27:1577-1585; 1996.
  • Schwarz ER, Klues HG, vom Dahl J, Klein I, Krebs W, Hanrath P. Functional, angiographic and intracoronary Doppler flow characteristics in symptomatic patients with myocardial bridging: effect of short-term intravenous beta-blocker medication. J Am Coll Cardiol 27:1637-1645; 1996.
  • vom Dahl J, Altehoefer C, Buechin P, Sheehan FH, Schwarz ER, Koch KC, Schulz G, Uebis R, Schoendube F, Messmer BJ, Buell U, Hanrath P. Einfluß von Myokardvitalität und Koronarrevaskularisation auf klinische Entwicklung und Prognose: Eine Verlaufsbeobachtung bei 161 Patienten mit koronarer Herzkrankheit. [Effect of myocardial viability and coronary revascularization on clinical outcome and prognosis: An observational study in 161 patients with coronary artery disease] Z Kardiol 85: 868-881; 1996.


  • Schwarz ER, Klues HG, vom Dahl J, Klein I, Krebs W, Hanrath P. Functional characteristics of myocardial bridging. A combined angiographic and intracoronary Doppler flow study. Europ Heart J 18:434-442; 1997.
  • Schwarz ER, Buettgen S, vom Dahl J, Maurin N, Fuezesi L, Sieberth HG, Hanrath P. A case of Ehlers-Danlos syndrome type IV with dilated coronary sclerosis and myocardial infarction in a young man. J Invas Cardiol 9: 274-277; 1997.
  • Schwarz ER, Przyklenk K, vom Dahl J, Schoendube F, Hanrath P, Kloner RA. Chronic hibernating myocardium: concepts and controversies. Cong Heart Fail 3:12-23; 1997.
  • vom Dahl J, Altehoefer C, Sheehan FH, Buechin P, Schulz G, Schwarz ER, Koch KC, Uebis R, Messmer BJ, Buell U, Hanrath P. Effect of myocardial viability assessed by technetium-99m-sestamibi SPECT and fluorine-18–FDG PET on clinical outcome in coronary artery disease. J Nucl Med 38:742-748; 1997.
  • Schwarz ER, Montino H, Fleischhauer J, Klues HG, vom Dahl J, Hanrath P. The angiotensin II receptor antagonist EXP 3174 reduces infarct size comparable to enalaprilat and augments preconditioning in the pig heart. Cardiovasc Drugs Ther 11:687-695; 1997.
  • Schwarz ER, Patterson M, Kloner RA. Kardiomyozytentransplantation – eine “Frischzellenkur“ zur Gewebsreparatur in infarzierten Herzen? [Myocyte engraftment to replace jeopardized and dead myocardial tissue – fad or future?] Z Kardiol 87:1-7; 1997.
  • Schwarz ER, Whyte WS, Kloner RA. Ischemic preconditioning. Curr Op Cardiol 12:475-481; 1997.
  • Klues HG, Schwarz ER, vom Dahl J, Reffelmann T, Reul H, Potthast K, Schmitz C, Minartz J, Krebs W, Hanrath P. Disturbed intracoronary hemodynamics in myocardial bridging – early normalization by intracoronary stent placement. Circulation 96:2905-2913; 1997.
  • Kloner RA, Schwarz ER, Prejean C, Kay G. Resupplying the infarcted myocardium with myocytes. Editorial comment. Circulation 96 (Suppl. II)II-186-II-187; 1997.


  • Schwarz ER, Fleischhauer J, Montino H, Chakupurakal R, Foresti M, Schuetz T, Sack S, Mohri M, Arras M, Schaper W, Hanrath P. Infarct size reduction by ischemic preconditioning is a monophasic, short-lived phenomenon in anesthetized pigs. J Cardiovasc Pharmacol Therapeut 3:63-70; 1998
  • Schwarz ER, Schoendube FA, Kostin S, Schmiedtke N, Schulz G, Buell U, Messmer BJ, Morrison J, Hanrath P, vom Dahl J. Prolonged myocardial hibernation exacerbates cardiomyocyte degeneration and impairs recovery of function following revascularization. J Am Coll Cardiol 31:1018-1026; 1998.
  • Schwarz ER, Pollick C, Dow J, Patterson M, Birnbaum Y, Kloner RA. A small animal model of non-ischemic cardiomyopathy and its evaluation by transthoracic echocardiography. Cardiovas Res 39:216-223; 1998.
  • Speakman MT, Schwarz ER, Kloner RA. Stress and the heart. Medicine & Behavior 4:42-45; 1998.
  • Schwarz ER, Speakman MT, Kloner RA. The impact of heart disease on sexual function. Medicine & Behavior 8:35-38; 1998.
  • Schwarz ER, Hager PK, Uebis R, Hanrath P, Klues HG. Myocardial ischaemia in a case of a solitary coronary ostium in the right aortic sinus with retroaortic course of the left coronary artery – documentation of the underlying pathophysiologic mechanisms of ischemia by intracoronary Doppler and pressure measurements. Heart 80:307-311; 1998.
  • Schwarz ER, Pollick C, Meehan WP, Kloner RA. Evaluation of cardiac structures and function in small experimental animals: transthoracic, transesophageal, and intraventricular echocardiography to assess contractile function in rat heart. Bas Res Cardiol 93:477-486; 1998.
  • Schulz G, vom Dahl J, Kaiser HJ, Banneitz L, Herzog H, Schwarz ER, Hamacher K, Buell U. Myocardial uptake and kinetics of 14(R,S)-(18-F)-fluoro-6-thiaheptadecanoic-acid (FTHA) in patients with advanced coronary heart disease. Nuklearmedizin 37:49-53; 1998.


  • Schwarz ER, Reffelmann Th, Kloner RA. Clinical effects of ischemic preconditioning. Curr Opin Cardiol 14:340-348; 1999.
  • Schwarz ER, Reffelmann Th, Schoendube F, Herrmanns B, Chakupurakal R, Doerge H, Schuetz Th, Foresti M, Messmer BJ, Radke PW, vom Dahl J, Hanrath P. Hypoxic hypoperfusion fails to induce myocardial hibernation in anesthetized swine. J Cardiovasc Pharmacol Therapeut 4:235-247; 1999.
  • Schwarz ER, Speakman MT, vom Dahl J, Kloner RA. Hibernating myocardium – is there evidence for chronic flow reduction? Heart Disease 1:155-162; 1999.
  • Radke PW, Janssens U, Schwarz ER, vom Dahl J. Therapeutic dissolution of an intracoronary thrombus by prolonged intravenous platelet glycoprotein IIb/IIIa antagonism. J Invas Cardiol 11:679-681; 1999.


  • Schwarz ER, Speakman MT, Kloner RA. A new model of ventricular plication: a suturing technique to decrease left ventricular dimensions, improve contractility, and attenuate ventricular remodeling after myocardial infarction in the rat heart. J Cardiovasc Pharmacol Therapeut 5:41-49; 2000.
  • Schwarz ER, Speakman MT, Patterson M, Hale SH, Kedes LK, Isner JM, Kloner RA. Evaluation of the effects of intramyocardial injection of DNA expressing vascular endothelial growth factor in a myocardial infarction model in the rat – angiogenesis and angioma formation. J Am Coll Cardiol 35:1323-1330; 2000.
  • Reffelmann T, Schwarz ER, Skobel CE, Petek O, Hanrath P. (Ischemic preconditioning. Does this animal model have clinical relevance?) Med Klin 95:559-567; 2000.
  • Makropoulos W, Kocher K, Heintz B, Schwarz ER, Mertens PR, Stefanidis L. Urinary thymidine glycol as a biomarker for oxidative stress after kidney transplantation. Renal Failure 22:499-510; 2000.
  • Schwarz ER, Somoano Y, Hale S, Kloner RA. What is the required reperfusion period for assessment of myocardial infarct size using triphenyltetrazolium chloride staining in the rat? J Thrombosis & Thrombolysis 10:181-187; 2000.
  • Schwarz ER, Heintz B, Stefanidis I, vom Dahl J, Sieberth HG. The inhomogeneous and delayed course of blood pressure normalization in hypertensive patients after bilateral nephrectomy with and without subsequent renal transplantation. Renal Failure 22:591-60; 2000.
  • Haager PK, Schwarz ER, vom Dahl J, Klues HG, Reffelmann T, Hanrath P. Long term angiographic and clinical follow-up in patients following stent implantation for symptomatic myocardial bridging. Heart 84:403-408; 2000.
  • Skobel E, Kaminski R, Breuer C, Reffelmann T, Schwarz ER. Sistieren nächtlicher pathologischer Atmungsmuster nach orthotoper Herztransplantation. [Remission of noctural pathologic respiratory patterns after orthotopic heart transplantation. A case report and overview of current status of therapy]. Med Klinik 95:706-711; 2000.
  • Schwarz ER, Patterson M, Kloner RA. Transplantation of fetal left ventricles in myocardial infarct tissue: a new pouch technique, its detection, survival, and impact on cardiac function in the rat heart. J Card Vasc Regen 1:97-105; 2000.
  • Nowak B, Zimny M, Schwarz ER, Kaiser HJ, Schäfer W, Reinartz P, vom Dahl J, Buell U. Diagnosis of myocardial viability by dual-head coincidence gamma camera 18-F-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography with and without non-uniform attenuation correction. Europ J Nuclear Med 27:1501-1508; 2000.


  • Krüger S, Piroth W, Takyi BA, Breuer C, Schwarz ER. Multiple aseptic pulmonary nodules with central necrosis in association with pyoderma gangrenosum. Chest 119:977-978; 2001.
  • Herrmanns B, Brunn A, Schwarz ER, Sachweh J, Seipelt I, Schroeder JM, Vogel U, Schoendube FA, Buettner R. Fulminant toxoplasmosis in a heart transplant recipient. Pathology 1997:211-215; 2001.
  • Hoffmann R, Haager P, Mintz GS, Kerckhoff G, Schwarz ER, Franke A, vom Dahl J, Hanrath P. The impact of high pressure vs low pressure stent implantation on intimal hyperplasia and follow-up lumen dimensions. Eur Heart J 22:2015-2024; 2001.
  • Radke PW, Schwarz ER, Groesdonk H, Graf J, Janssens U. Thrombosis in Behcet’s disease: report of a case followed by a systematic review using the methodology of evidence-based medicine. J Thromb Thrombolysis 11:137-141; 2001.
  • Reffelmann T, Skobel EC, Kammermeier H, Hanrath P, Schwarz ER. Activation of ATP-sensitive potassium channels in hypoxic cardiac failure is not mediated by adenosine-1 receptors in the isolated rat heart. J Cardiovasc Pharmacol Ther 6:189-200; 2001.


  • Reffelmann T, Klues HG, Hanrath P. Schwarz ER. Post-stenotic coronary blood flow at rest is not altered by therapeutic doses of the oral antidiabetic drug clibenclamide in patients with coronary artery disease. Heart 87:54-60; 2002
  • Lepper W, Sieswerda GT, Franke A, Heussen N, Kamp O, de Cock CC, Schwarz ER, Voci P, Visser CA, Hanrath P, Hoffmann R. Repeated assessment of coronary flow velocity pattern in patients with first acute myocardial infarction. J Am Coll Cardiol 39:1283-1289; 2002.


  • Schwarz ER. The safety of sexual activity and sildenafil in cardiac patients. Saudi Heart J 15:103-106; 2003
  • Schwarz ER, Kersting PH, Reffelmann T, Meven DA, Al-Dashti R, Skobel EC, Klosterhalfen B, Hanrath P. Cardioprotection by carvedilol: anti-apoptosis is independent on beta-adrenoceptor blockage in the rat heart. J Cardiovasc Pharmacol Ther 8:207-15; 2003
  • Fox KM et al. for the CAESAR Investigators. Sildenafil citrate does not reduce exercise tolerance in men with erectile dysfunction and chronic stable angina, Eur Heart J 24:2216-2212; 2003.


  • Skobel EX, Schuh AX, Schwarz ERX, Lin EA, Franke A, Breuer S, Günther K, Reffelmann T, Hanrath P, Weber C. Transplantation of fetal cardiomyocytes into infarcted rat hearts results in long-term functional improvement. Tissue Engineering 10:849-864; 2004. Xcontributed equally to the paper
  • Reffelmann T, Sensebat O, Stroemer E, Birnbaum Y, Uretsky BF, Hanrath P, Schwarz ER. A novel minimal invasive model of myocardial infarction in swine. Cor Art Dis 15:7-12; 2004.
  • Underwood SR, Bax JJ, vom Dahl J, Heinein MY, van Rossum A, Schwarz ER, Vanoverschelde JL, van der Wall EE, Wijns W. Imaging techniques for the assessment of myocardial hibernation. Europ Heart J 25:815-836; 2004.
  • Angermann CE, Stoerk S, Costard-Jaeckle A, Dengler TJ, Tenderich G, Rahmel A, Schwarz ER, Naegele H, Wagner FM, Haaf B, Pethig K. Reduction of cyclosporine after introduction of mycophenolate mofetil improves chronic renal dysfunction in heart transplant recipients – the IMPROVED multicenter study. Europ Heart J  25:1626-1634; 2004.
  • Birnbaum Y, Ye Y, Rosanio S, Tavackoli S, Yu ZY, Schwarz ER, Uretsky BF. Prostaglandins mediate the cardioprotective effects of atorvastatin against ischemia-reperfusion injury. Cardiovasc Res 65:345-355; 2005.
  • Schwarz ER, Meven DA, Sulemanjee NZ, Kersting PH, Tussing T, Skobel EC, Hanrath P, Uretsky BF. MCP-1 induced monocyte infiltration produces angiogenesis but not arteriogenesis in chronically infarcted myocardium. J Cardiovasc Pharmacol Therapeut 9:279-289; 2004.


  • Schuh A, Breuer S, Al Dashti R, Sulemanjee N, Hanrath P, Weber C, Uretsky BF, Schwarz ER. Administration of VEGF adjunctive to fetal cardiomyocyte transplantation and improvement of cardiac function in the rat model. J Cardiovasc Pharmacol Therapeut 10:55-66, 2005.
  • Sanghi P, Uretsky BF, Schwarz ER. Vasopressin antagonism – a future treatment option in heart failure. Europ Heart J 26:538-543; 2005.
  • Skobel E, Dannemann O, Reffelmann T, Boehm V, Weber C, Hanrath P, Uretsky BF, Schwarz ER. Carvedilol protects myocardial cytoskeleton during hypoxia in the rat heart. J Appl Res 5:378-386, 2005.
  • Gupta R, Rahman MA, Uretsky BF, Schwarz ER. Left main coronary artery thrombus: a case series with different outcomes. J Thrombosis & Thrombolysis 19:125-131, 2005
  • Schwarz ER, Gupta R, Diep TP, Nowak B, Kostin S, Grohmann B, Uretsky BF, Schaper J. Carvedilol improves myocardial contractility compared with metoprolol in patients with chronic hibernating myocardium after revascularization. J Cardiovasc Pharmacol Ther 10:181-190, 2005.
  • Rosanio S, Schwarz ER, Ahmad M, Jammula P, Vitarelli A, Uretsky BF, Birnbaum Y, Ware DL, Atar S, Saeed M. Benefits, unresolved questions, and technical issues of cardiac resynchronization therapy for heart failure.
    Am J Cardiol 96:710-717, 2005.
  • Schwarz ER. Sexual dysfunction and its relation to heart disease. Int J Impot Res 17 Suppl 1:S1-3, 2005.
  • Schwarz ER, Rodriguez JJ. Sex and the heart. Int J Impot Res 17, Suppl 1:S4-6, 2005.
  • Schwarz ER, Rastogi S, Rodriguez JJ, Kapur V, Sulemanjee N, Gupta R, Rosanio S. A multidisciplinary approach to assess erectile dysfunction in high-risk cardiovascular patients. Int J Impot Res 17 Suppl 1:S37-43, 2005.
  • Rastogi S, Rodriguez JJ, Kapur V, Schwarz ER. Why do patients with heart failure suffer from erectile dysfunction? A critical review and suggestions on how to approach this problem. Int J Impot Res 17 Suppl 1:S25-36, 2005.
  • Rodriguez JJ, Al Dashti R, Schwarz ER. Linking erectile dysfunction and coronary artery disease. Int J Impot Res 17 Suppl 1:S12-18, 2005.


  • Schwarz ER, Sanghi P. Conivaptan – a selective vasopressin antagonist for the treatment of heart failure. Expert Review of Cardiovascular Therapy 4:17-23, 2006.
  • Gupta R, Atar S, Schwarz ER, Uretsky BF, Birnbaum Y. Vineberg procedure for inadvertent injury to anomalous left anterior descending artery during tetralogy of fallot repair: four decades later. Tex Heart Inst J 33:98-99, 2006.
  • Schwarz ER, Kapur V, Rodriguez JJ, Rastogi S, Rosanio S. The effects of chronic phosphodiesterase 5 inhibitor use on different organ systems. Int J Impot Res 2006 June 8 (Epub).
  • Daher IN, Saeed M, Schwarz ER, Agoston I, Rahman MA, Ahmad M. Live three-dimensional echocardiography in diagnosis of interventricular septal perforation by pacemaker lead. Echocardiography 23:428-429, 2006.
  • Saeed M, Rahman A, Afzal A, Agoston I, Jammula P, Birnbaum Y, Ware DL, Uretsky BF, Schwarz ER, Rosanio S. Role of transesophageal echocardiography guided cardioversion in patients with atrial fribrillation, previous left atrial thrombus and effective anticoagulation. Int J Cardiol 113:401-405, 2006.
  • Kunapuli S, Rosanio S, Schwarz ER. How do cardiomyocytes die? Apoptosis and autophagic cell death in cardiac myocytes. J Cardiac Failure 12:381-391, 2006.
  • Sulemanjee N, Schwarz ER. Conivaptan:monograph of a selective vasopressin antagonist. Drugs of Today 2006 (in press)
  • Zarraga IG, Schwarz ER. Impact of Dietary Patterns and Interventions on Cardiovascular Health. Circulation 114:961-973, 2006. Erratum in Circulation 114:e577, 2006.
  • Schwarz ER, Rastogi S, Kapur V, Sulemanjee N, Rodriguez JJ. Erectile dysfunction in heart failure patients. J Am Coll Cardiol 48:1111-1119, 2006.
  • Schwarz ER, Jammula P, Gupta R, Rosanio S. A case and review of acromegaly-induced cardiomyopathy and the relationship between growth hormone and heart failure: cause or cure or neither or both? J Cardiovasc Pharmacology Ther 11:232-244, 2006.


  • Rosanio S, Schwarz ER, Vitarelli A, Zarraga IG, Kunapuli S, Ware DL, Birnbaum Y, Tuero E, Uretsky BF. Sudden death prophylaxis in heart failure. Int J Cardiol 119:291-296, 2007.
  • Zarraga IG, Schwarz ER. Coxibs and heart disease: what we have learned and what else we need to know. J Am Coll Cardiol 49:1-14, 2007.
  • Schwarz ER. Sexual function in women with heart disease and coronary artery disease. Editorial. Int J Impot Res 19:341-342, 2007.
  • Chien CV, Schwarz ER. Diabetes and sexual dysfunction. Diabetes 2007 (in press).
    79. Rosanio S, Schwarz ER et al.. Late Right Ventricular Perforation and Hemothorax after Transvenous Defibrillator Lead Implantation. Texas Heart Institute J 2007 (in press).
  • Chien C, Schwarz ER. Erectile dysfunction: risk factor or manifestation of cardiovascular disease. Int J Impot Res 19:446-447, 2007.
  • Schwarz ER, Najam S, Akel R, Sulemanjee N, Bionat S, Rosanio S. Intermittent outpatient nesirtide infusion reduces hospital admissions in patients with advanced heart failure. J Cardiovasc Pharmacol Ther 12:232-236, 2007.
  • Chien CV, Hackner D, Schwarz ER. Heart failure in very elderly population – a profile of heart failure in patients over the age of eighty. J Geriatric Cardiol 4,:20-24, 2007.
  • Schwarz ER. Heart failure in the elderly – some aspects in pathophysiology, diagnosis, and therapy that require special attention. J Geriatr Cardiol 12:44-49, 2007.
  • Schwarz ER, Kapur V, Bionat S, Rastogi S, Gupta R, Rosanio S. The prevalence and clinical relevance of sexual dysfunction in women and men with chronic heart failure. Int J Impot Res 20;Sept 20 (Epub), 2007.
  • Kapur V, Schwarz ER. Relationship between erectile dysfunction and cardiovascular disease (Part 1). Rev Cardiovasc Med 2007l;8:214-9.


  • Kapur V, Chien CV, Fuess JE, Schwarz ER. The relationship between erectile dysfunction and cardiovascular disease. Part II: The role of PDE-5 inhibition in sexual dysfunction and cardiovascular disease. Rev Cardiovasc Med 2008;9:187-95.
  • Sulemanjee N, Merla A, Lick S, Aunon S, Taylor M, Manson M, Czer L, Schwarz ER. The First Year Post Heart Transplantation: Use of Immunosuppressive Drugs and Early Complications. J Cardiovasc Pharmacol Ther 2008 2008;13:13-31.
  • Schwarz ER, Tehrani F. Sex and the Heart: More to Know About Sexual Dysfunction in Patients with Heart Failure. Southern Medical Journal 2008.
  • Wertman BM, Gura V, Schwarz ER. Ultrafiltration for the management of acute decompensated heart failure. J Card Fail 2008;14:754-9.
  • Goland S, Czer LS, Coleman B, De Robertis MA, Mirocha J, Zivari K, Schwarz ER, Kass RM, Trento A. Induction therapy with thymoglobulin after heart transplantation: impact of therapy duration on lymphocyte depletion and recovery, rejection, and cytomegalovirus infection rates. J Heart Lung Transplant 2008;27:1115-21.
  • Uretsky BF, Birnbaum Y, Osman A, Gupta R, Paniagua O, Chamoun A, Pohwani A, Lui C, Lev E, McGehee T, Kumar D, Akhtar A, Anzuini A, Schwarz ER, Wang FW. Distal myocardial protection with intracoronary beta blocker when added to a Gp IIb/IIIa platelet receptor blocker during percutaneous coronary intervention improves clinical outcome. Catheter Cardiovasc Interv 2008;72:488-97.
  • Schwarz ER, Shen BJ. Sexual dysfunction in cardiac rehabilitation patients is much more than simply an epiphenomenon and needs more study. Rev Esp Cardiol. 2008;61:907-10.
  • Simsir SA, Fontana GP, Czer LS, Schwarz ER. Heart allograft transplanted twice. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg 2008;34:918-9.
  • Wertman BM, Gura V, Schwarz ER. Ultrafiltration for the management of acute decompensated heart failure. J Card Fail 2008 ;14:754-9.


  • Schwarz ER. Gupta R, vom Dahl J, Minartz J, Klues HG, Uretsky BF. Myocardial bridging in absence of coronary artery disease: proposal of a new classification based on clinical-angiographic data and long-term follow-up. Cardiology. 2009;112:13-21.
  • Tehrani F, Phan A, Chien CV, Morrissey RP, Rafique AM, Schwarz ER. Value of medical therapy in patients >80 years of age with heart failure and preserved ejection fraction. Am J Cardiol 2009;103:829-33. Erratum in: Am J Cardiol 2009;104:744.
  • Dhesi P, Tehrani F, Fuess J, Schwarz ER. How does the heart (not) die? The role of autophagy in cardiomyocyte homeostasis and cell death. Heart Fail Rev 2009 Feb 25.
  • Domaniski D, Rosanio S, Schwarz ER. Improved erectile function after cardiac resynchronization therapy in a patient with heart failure – a case report. J Sex Med 2009 J Sex Med. 2009 Oct;6(10):2910-4.
  • Tehrani F, Phan A, Morrissey R, Chien C, Rafique A, Schwarz ER. The prognostic vlaue of anemia in patients with diastolic heart failure. Texas Heart Institute Journal 2009 Tex Heart Inst J. 2009;36(3):220-5.
  • Tehrani F, Morrisey R, Phan A, Chien C, Schwarz ER. Statin therapy in patients with diastolic heart failure. Clinical Cardiology 2009.
  • Kunju SU, Badarudeen S, Schwarz ER. Impact of obesity in patients with congestive heart failure. Rev Cardiovasc Med 2009 Summer;10:142-51.
  • Simsir SA, Schwarz ER, Czer LS, Hamburg SI. Heart transplantation using bivalirudin as anticoagulant.Interact Cardiovasc Thorac Surg. 2009 Oct 1. [Epub ahead of print]
  • Schwarz ER, Rosanio S. Religion and the Catholic Church’s View on (Heart) Transplantation: A Recent Statement of Pope Benedict XVI and its Practical Impact.
    J Relig Health 2009 Sep 26. [Epub ahead of print].
  • Domanski D, Schwarz ER. Clinical Review: Is the Perioperative Use of {beta}-Blockers Still Recommended? A Critical Review of Recent Controversies. J Cardiovasc Pharmacol Ther 2009;14:258-68. Epub 2009 Sep 4.
  • Fieno DS, Czer LS, Schwarz ER, Simsir S.Left ventricular assist device placement in a patient with end-stage heart failure and human immunodeficiency virus. Interact Cardiovasc Thorac Surg 2009;9:919-20. Epub 2009 Aug 25.
  • Unes Kunju S, Naim HJ, Czer L, Simsir, S, Schwarz ER. Acute cellular transplant rejection following laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding in a morbidly obese patient post heart transplantation. Acute cellular transplant rejection following laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding in a morbidly obese patient post heart transplantation. Cardiovasc Med (Hagerstown). 2009 Nov 11. [Epub ahead of print]


  • Thompson KA, Philip KJ, Simsir S, Schwarz ER. The New Concept of “Interventional Heart Failure Therapy”: Part 2–Inotropes, Valvular Disease, Pumps, and Transplantation. J Cardiovasc Pharmacol Ther. 2010 Jul 1. [Epub ahead of print]
  • Morrissey RP, Philip KJ, Schwarz ER. Reconciling Q waves and late gadolinium enhancement with no angiographic evidence of coronary disease: cardiac sarcoidosis presenting as decompensated heart failure. Cardiovasc J Afr. 2010 May-Jun;21(3):158-63.
  • Schwarz ER, Czer LS, Simsir SA, Kass RM, Trento A. Amiodarone-induced QT prolongation in a newly transplanted heart associated with recurrent ventricular fibrillation. Cardiovasc J Afr. 2010 Mar-Apr;21(2):109-12.
  • Phan A, Ishak WW, Shen BJ, Fuess J, Philip K, Bresee C, Czer L, Schwarz ER. Persistent Sexual Dysfunction Impairs Quality of Life after Cardiac Transplantation. J Sex Med. 2010 May 19. [Epub ahead of print]
  • Agarwal M, Naghi J, Philip K, Phan A, Willix RD Jr, Schwarz ER. Growth hormone and testosterone in heart failure therapy. Expert Opin Pharmacother. 2010 Aqg;11(11):1835-44.
  • Falk JA, Philip KJ, Schwarz ER.The emergence of oral tadalafil as a once-daily treatment for pulmonary arterial hypertension. Vasc Health Risk Manag. 2010 May 6;6:273-80.
  • Thompson KA, Philip KJ, Barbagelata A, Schwarz ER. Review article: the new concept of interventional heart failure therapy–part 1: electrical therapy, treatment of CAD, fluid removal, and ventricular support. J Cardiovasc Pharmacol Ther. 2010 Jun;15(2):102-11.
  • Schwarz ER, Philip KJ, Simsir SA, Czer L, Trento A, Finder SG, Cleenewerck LA. Maximal care considerations when treating patients with end-stage heart failure: ethical and procedural quandaries in management of the very sick. J Relig Health. 2010 Feb 27. [Epub ahead of print]
  • Tehrani F, Morrissey R, Phan A, Chien C, Schwarz ER. Statin therapy in patients with diastolic heart failure. Clin Cardiol. 2010 Apr;33(4):E1-5.
  • Thompson KA, Philip KJ, Simsir S, Schwarz ER. The new concept of ”interventional heart failure therapy”: part 2–inotropes, valvular disease, pumps, and transplantation. J Cardiovasc Pharmacol Ther 2010;15:231-43.
  • Morrissey RP, Philip KJ, Schwarz ER. Reconciling Q waves and late gadolinium enhancement with no angiographic evidence of coronary disease: cardiac sarcoidosis presenting as decompensated heart failure. Cardiovasc J Afr 2010;21:158-63.
  • Baraghoush A, Phan A, Willix RD Jr, Schwarz ER. Erectile dysfunction as a complication of heart failure. Curr Heart Fail Rep 2010;7:194-201.
  • Thompson KA, Bharadwaj P, Philip KJ, Schwarz ER. Heart failure therapy: beyond the guidelines. J Cardiovasc Med (Hagerstown) 2010;11:919-27.
  • Schwarz ER, Dashti R. The clinical quandary of left and right ventricular diastolic dysfunction and diastolic heart failure. Cardiovasc J Afr 2010;21:212-20.
  • Wang H, Goland S, Burton K, Czer LS, Schwarz ER, Trento A. An agonist of liver X receptor slows valvular disease in a hypercholesterolemia mouse model. J Heart Valve Dis 2010;19:653-64.
  • Schwarz ER, Cleenewerck L, Phan A, Bharadwaj P, Hobbs R. Philosophical Implications of the Systemic and Patient-Oriented Management of Chronic Heart Failure. J Relig Health 2010 Nov 19. [Epub ahead of print]
  • Naghi JJ, Philip KJ, Dilibero D, Willix R, Schwarz ER. Testosterone Therapy: Treatment of Metabolic Disturbances in Heart Failure. J Cardiovasc Pharmacol Ther. 2010 Nov 19. [Epub ahead of print]
  • Thompson KA, Philip KJ, Schwarz ER. Clinical Applications of Bivalirudin in the Cardiac Catheterization Laboratory. J Cardiovasc Pharmacol Ther. 2010 Nov 19. [Epub ahead of print]
  • Shen BJ, Eisenberg SA, Maeda U, Farrell KA, Schwarz ER, Penedo FJ, Bauerlein EJ, Mallon S. Depression and Anxiety Predict Decline in Physical Health Functioning in Patients with Heart Failure. Ann Behav Med. 2010 Dec 23. [Epub ahead of print]
  • Cleenewerck L, Schwarz ER. The recovery of Eucharistic and holographic ecclesiology as a promising avenue of ecumenical dialogue and broader mutual recognition. J Ecumen Stud 2010;45:561-77.
  • Daneshvar DA, Czer LS, Phan A, Trento A, Schwarz ER. Heart transplantation in the elderly: why cardiac transplantation does not need to be limited to younger patients but can be safely performed in patients above 65 years of age.
    Ann Transplant. 2010 Dec 22;15(4):110-9.


  • Morrissey RP, Philip KJ, Schwarz ER. Cardiac abnormalities in Anderson-Fabry disease and Fabry’s cardiomyopathy. Cardiovasc J Afr. 2011 Jan-Feb;22(1):38-44. Review.
  • Agarwal M, Phan A, Willix R Jr, Barber M, Schwarz ER. Is Vitamin D Deficiency Associated With Heart Failure? A Review of Current Evidence. J Cardiovasc Pharmacol Ther. 2011 Feb 8. [Epub ahead of print]
  • Eisenberg SA, Shen BJ, Schwarz ER, Mallon S. Avoidant coping moderates the association between anxiety and patient-rated physical functioning in heart failure patients. J Behav Med. 2011 Jun 10. [Epub ahead of print]
  • White AJ, Smith RR, Matsushita S, Chakravarty T, Czer LS, Burton K, Schwarz ER, Davis DR, Wang Q, Reinsmoen NL, Forrester JS, Marbán E, Makkar R. Intrinsic cardiac origin of human cardiosphere-derived cells. Eur Heart J. 2011 Jun 9. [Epub ahead of print]
  • Zaya M, Phan A, Schwarz ER. The dilemma, causes and approaches to avoid recurrent hospital readmissions for patients with chronic heart failure. Heart Fail Rev. 2011 Jun 5. [Epub ahead of print]
  • Perkel D, Naghi J, Agarwal M, Morrissey RP, Phan A, Willix RD Jr, Schwarz ER. The Potential Effects of IGF-1 and GH on Patients With Chronic Heart Failure. J Cardiovasc Pharmacol Ther. 2011 Mar 31. [Epub ahead of print]
  • Dhesi P, Simsir SA, Daneshvar D, Rafique A, Phan A, Schwarz ER. Left ventricular assist device as ‘bridge to weight loss’ prior to transplantation in obese patients with advanced heart failure. Ann Transplant. 2011 Mar 23;16(1):5-13.
  • Morrissey RP, Rana JS, Luthringer DJ, Cheng V, Czer LS, Philip K, Kass R, Schwarz ER. Case of fulminant giant-cell myocarditis associated with polymyositis, treated with a biventricular assist device and subsequent heart transplantation. Heart Lung. 2011 Jul-Aug;40(4):340-5. Epub 2011 Mar 21.
  • Aaronson AJ, Morrissey RP, Nguyen CT, Willix R, Schwarz ER. Update on the safety of testosterone therapy in cardiac disease. Expert Opin Drug Saf. 2011 Mar 22. [Epub ahead of print]
  • Nguyen CT, Aaronson A, Morrissey RP, Agarwal M, Willix RD, Schwarz ER. Myths and truths of growth hormone and testosterone therapy in heart failure. Expert Rev Cardiovasc Ther. 2011 Jun;9(6):711-20.
    138. Thompson KA, Dhesi P, Nguyen D, Czer L, Moriguchi J, Schwarz ER Evaluation of the HeartMate II™ left ventricular assist device in obese heart failure patients: Effects on weight loss. Ann Transplant. 2011 Jun 30;16(2):63-7.


  • Udeoji DU, Schwarz ER. Tadalafil as monotherapy and in combination regimens for the treatment of pulmonary arterial hypertension. Ther Adv Respir Dis. 2013 Feb;7(1):39-49. doi: 10.1177/1753465812463627. Epub 2012 Nov 5. Review.
  • Zaya M, Phan A, Schwarz ER. Predictors of re-hospitalization in patients with chronic heart failure. World J Cardiol. 2012 Feb 26;4(2):23-30. doi: 10.4330/wjc.v4.i2.23.
  • Thompson KA, Morrissey RP, Phan A, Schwarz ER. Does the United States economy affect heart failure readmissions? A single metropolitan center analysis. Clin Cardiol. 2012 Aug;35(8):474-7. doi: 10.1002/clc.21996. Epub 2012 Apr 20.
  • Schwarz ER, Willix RD Jr. Impact of a physician-supervised exercise-nutrition program with testosterone substitution in partial androgen-deficient middle-aged obese men. J Geriatr Cardiol. 2011 Dec;8(4):201-6.
  • Udeoji DU, Shah AB, Bharadwaj P, Katsiyiannis P, Schwarz ER. Evaluation of the prevalence and severity of pain in patients with stable chronic heart failure. World J Cardiol. 2012 Aug 26;4(8):250-5.
  • Alvarez PA, Schwarz ER, Ramineni R, Myatt P, Barbin C, Boissonnet C, Phan A, Maggioni A, Barbagelata A. Periprocedural adverse events in cell therapy trials in myocardial infarction and cardiomyopathy: a systematic review. Clin Res Cardiol. 2013 Jan;102(1):1-10. doi: 10.1007/s00392-012-0508-3. Epub 2012 Sep 28. Review.
  • Shah AB, Udeoji DU, Baraghoush A, Bharadwaj P, Yennurajalingam S, Schwarz ER. An evaluation of the prevalence and severity of pain and other symptoms in acute decompensated heart failure. J Palliat Med. 2013 Jan;16(1):87-90. doi: 10.1089/jpm.2012.0248. Epub 2012 Dec 28.


  • Shah AB, Morrissey RP, Baraghoush A, Bharadwaj P, Phan A, Hamilton M, Kobashigawa J, Schwarz ER. Failing the failing heart: a review of palliative care in heart failure. Rev Cardiovasc Med. 2013;14(1):41-8. Review.
  • Yanagida R, Czer LS, Ruzza A, Schwarz ER, Simsir SA, Jordan SC, Trento A. Use of ventricular assist device as bridge to simultaneous heart and kidney transplantation in patients with cardiac and renal failure. Transplant Proc. 2013 Jul-Aug;45(6):2378-83. doi: 10.1016/j.transproceed.2013.02.115.
  • Udeoji DU, Philip KJ, Morrissey RP, Phan A, Schwarz ER. Left ventricular noncompaction cardiomyopathy: updated review. Ther Adv Cardiovasc Dis. 2013 Oct;7(5):260-73.


  • Tadwalkar R, Udeoji DU, Weiner RJ, Avestruz FL, Lachance D, Phan A, Nguyen D, Bharadwaj P, Schwarz ER. The Beneficial Role of Spiritual Counseling in Heart Failure Patients. J Relig Health. 2014 Apr 24
  • Biswas OS, Gonzalez VR, Schwarz ER. Effects of an Oral Nitric Oxide Supplement on Functional Capacity and Blood Pressure in Adults With Prehypertension. J Cardiovasc Pharmacol Ther. 2014 Jun 18.
  • Udeoji DU, Schwarz ER. Switching from nitrate therapy to ranolazine in patients with coronary artery disease receiving phosphodiesterase type-5 inhibitors for erectile dysfunction. Clin Med Insights Case Rep. 2014 Nov 19;7:131-4. doi: 10.413


  • Muhandiramge D, Udeoji DU, Biswas OS, Bharadwaj P, Black LZ, Mulholland KA, Moschella C, Schwarz ER. Palliative care issues in heart transplant candidates. Curr Opin Support Palliat Care. 2015 Mar;9(1):5-13.


  • He M, Schwarz ER. Stem Cells for Erectile Dysfunction: a Review of Clinical Outcomes. Int J Impot Research 2020.
  • Banez M, Geluz M, Chandra A, Hamdan T, Biswas O, Bryan N, Schwarz ER. A systematic Review on the Antioxuidant and Antiinflammatory Effects of Resveratrol, Curcumin, and dietary Nitric Oxide Supplementation on Human Cardiovascular Health. Nutrition Research 2020.
  • Schwarz ER, He M, Bharadway P. Palliative Care Issues for Patients with Heart Failure. Invited Commentary, JAMA 2020.

Presentation Awards / Public Media / TV Presentations

  • Schwarz ER, vom Dahl J, Schaper J, Altehoefer C, Schaper W, Buell U, Hanrath P. Ultrastructural analysis reveals different degrees of morphological degeneration in hibernating myocardium. J Nucl Cardiol 2:S46;1995. Young Investigator Award, Cannes 1995.
  • Schwarz ER. Frühsymptome und Akutintervention beim Myokardinfarkt – eine Standortbestimmung 1995. Gesundheitsmesse 95, Essen, Germany, September 1995.
  • Schwarz ER. Herztransplantation heute. TV dokumentation des WDR (West German Broadcasting Company), TV presentation, German TV channel 1 and channel WDR, October 2000.
  • Schwarz ER. Early symptoms for heart attack. TV presentation in Human Health, Ministry of Information, Saudi TV channel  2, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, January 2001.
  • Schwarz ER. Risk factors and coronary heart disease.  TV presentation in Human Health, Ministry of Information, Saudi TV channel 2, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, April  2001.
  • Schwarz ER. IRWIN award winner 2006 for “Best News-Tie In Campaign” by the Book Publicists of California for “Sex and the Heart – what women need to know about male sexual dysfunction”, Los Angeles, December 12, 2006.
  • 45 local TV or radio presentations regarding “Sex and the Heart”, Los Angeles, CA,  October 2006 until July 2007.
  • KTLA Los Angeles, Sexual dysfunction as a harbinger for cardiovascular disease, Los Angeles, June 2008.
dr von schwarz media broadcast publications presentations

Online Articles

  • Erectile Dysfunction in Heart Failure Patients
  • The Stem Cell – A Cautionary Tale on a Global Scale
  • Nitric Oxide Applications For Clinical Practice
  • New System Devised To Guide Doctors Treating Patients With Symptomatic Myocardial Bridging
  • Clinicians Who Ignore Nitric Oxide (NO) Function Put Their Patients at Risk
  • My husband’s libido is disappearing, why?
  • Aging Male Boomers Gain Hope Over Battle With Erectile Dysfunction Caused By Heart Failure


  • Schwarz ER, K Thon, S Massarrat. Course of pepsin activity in serum after vagal stimulation in patient swith vagotomy, peptic ulcer disease, and controls. [Verlauf der Pepsinaktivität (PA) im Serum unter vagaler Stimulation bei Patienten mit Vagotomie und Ulcus duodeni und Kontrolle]. Schmidt, Caspary: Results in gastroenterology. [Ergebnisse der Gastroenterologie], 41. Conference of German Society of Gastroenterology [41. Tagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Verdauungs- und Stoffwechselkrankheiten]. Gastroenterolgie Suppl 41, 12; 1986.
  • Massarrat S, Timmer A, Schwarz ER. Vagal-induced increase of serum pepsin activity in patients with peptic ulcer disease and its relation to gastic acid secretion and severity of the disease. [Vagus-induzierter Anstieg der Pepsinaktivität im Serum der Patienten mit Ulcus duodeni und seine Beziehung zur Säuresekretion und zur Schwere des Leidens]. Gastroenterologie Suppl 44, 181; 1989.
  • Sack S, Mohri M, Schwarz ER, Arras M, Schaper W. Effect of ischemic preconditioning (PRECON) on regional myocardial dysfunction caused by coronary occlusion (CO) in closed-chest pigs. J Mol Cell Cardiol 23, Suppl. V-112, 1991.
  • Mohri M, Zimmermann R, Bernotat-Danielowski S, Sack S, Schwarz ER, Arras M, Schaper J, Schaper W. Coronary microembolization increases growth factor expression in porcine hearts. Circulation 84:4 Suppl. II-395; 1991.
  • Schwarz ER, Mohri M, Sack S, Arras M, Schaper W. Duration of infarct size limiting effect of ischemic preconditioning in the pig. Circulation 84:4 Suppl. II-432;1991.
  • Schwarz ER, Mohri M, Sack S, Arras M, Schaper W. The role of adenosine and its A1-receptor in ischemic preconditioning. Circulation 84, 4 Suppl. II-191;1991.
  • Schwarz ER, Mohri M, Stefan Sack S, Arras M, Schaper W. Preconditioning by ischemia lasts only for 30 minutes and is inhibited by adenosine antagonists. J Mol Cell Cardiol 24 Suppl I:93;1992.
  • Schwarz ER, Mohri M, Sack S, Arras M, Schaper W. Long-lasting dysfunction and short-lasting increase in ischemic tolerance following coronary occlusion. [Langanhaltende Dysfunktion und kurzdauernde Ischämietoleranzerhöhung nach Koronarokklusion]. Z Kardiol 81 Suppl I:168;1992.
  • Schwarz ER, Mohri M, Sack S, Arras M, Schaper W. Adenosine antagonists impair postischemic myocardial function in swine. [Adenosin Antagonisten verschlechtern die postischämische myokardiale Funktion beim Schwein]. Z Kardiol 81 Suppl I:169;1992.
  • Sack S, Mohri M, Schwarz ER, Arras M, Schaper W. Can ischemic preconditioning be renewed? J Mol Cell Cardiol 24 Suppl I:92;1992.
  • Sack S, Mohri M, Schwarz ER, Arras M, Schaper J, Schaper W. Inhibition of Na/H exchange prevents ventricular fibrillation and preserves function in porcine stunned myocardium. Sapporo Stunned Myocardium 1:7; 1992.
  • Sack S, Mohri M, Schwarz ER, Arras M, Schaper J, Schaper W. Blockage of Na/H channel prevents ventricular fibrillation and improves function in stunned myocardium. [Blockade des Na/H Kanals verhindert Kammerflimmern und verbessert die Funktion im “stunned myocardium”]. Z Kardiol 81 Suppl I:119;1992.
  • Sack S, Mohri M, Schwarz ER, Arras M, Schaper J, Schaper W. Ischemic preconditioning – is there any clinical relevance? [Hat die ischämische Präkonditionierung klinische Bedeutung?] Z Kardiol 81 Suppl I:89;1992.
  • Mohri M, Sack S, Schwarz ER, Arras M, Schaper J, Schaper W. Localization of plasminogen activators and type-1 inhibitor in the mi­croembolized ischemic porcine heart. Sapporo Stunned Myocardium 1;5:1992.
  • Sack S, Mohri M, Schwarz ER, Arras M, Schaper J, Schaper W. Expression of aFGF in porcine myocardium depends on severity of ischemia. Sapporo Stunned Myocardium 1;5:1992.
  • Schwarz ER, Schaper J, vom Dahl J, Grohmann B, Uebis R, Schöndube F, Altehoefer C, Buell U, Mess­mer BJ, Sheehan FH, Schaper W. Is there a correlation between regional wall motion, glucose metabolism, and ultrastructural changes in the myocardium in chronic ischemia? [Gibt es bei der chronischen Ischämie eine Korrelation zwischen regionaler Ventrikelfunktion, Glukosemetabolismus und ultrastrukturellen Veränderungen im Myokard?] Z Kardiol 82 Suppl I:69;1993.
  • Sack S, Schaper J, Mohri M, Bernotat-Danielowski S, Arras M, Schwarz ER, Schaper W. Micro-necrosis is a requirement for angiogenesis. [Mikronekrosen sind eine Voraussetzung für Kollateralwachstum (Angioge­nese)]. Z Kardiol 82 Suppl I:116;1993.
  • Schwarz ER, Klues H, Krebs W. Evaluation of coronary blood flow velocities by intravascular Doppler during provocative maneuvers in coronary muscle bridging. Eur Heart J 14 Suppl:P783;1993.
  • Schwarz ER, Schaper J. Is there a correlation between different ultrastructural states of regional chronic ischemic myocardium, functional and metabolic findings? Eur Heart J 14 Suppl:P1673;1993.
  • Schwarz ER, Schaper J, vom Dahl J, Buell U, Schoendube F, Hanrath P. Hibernating myocardium shows different degrees of structural adaptation and its functional downregulation is not sufficient to prevent structural deterio­ration. J Am Coll Cardiol 1A: 862-25;1994.
  • Schwarz ER, Klues HG, Krebs W, vom Dahl J, Hanrath P. Incomplete diastolic relaxation during tachycardia explains ischemic symptoms in patients with myocardial bridging. [Inkomplette diastolische Relaxation während Tachykardie erklärt Ischä­miesymptome bei Patienten mit koronarer Muskelbrücke]. Z Kardiol 83 Suppl. I:76;1994.
  • Schwarz ER, Schaper J, vom Dahl J, Grohmann B, Buell U, Hanrath P. Hibernating myocardium – functional recovery is associated with a variety of ultrastructural degeneration with preserved viability. Eur Heart J 15 Suppl: 895;1994.
  • Strasser R, Arras M, Vogt A, Elsässer A, Schwarz ER, Schlepper M, Schaper W. Preconditioning of porcine myocardium: How much ischemia is required for induction? What is its duration? Is a renewal of effect possible? Circulation 90:579;1994.
  • vom Dahl J, Altehoefer C, Schwarz ER, Beilin I. Reversibility of preoperative resting perfusion defects as assessed by my­ocardial scintigraphy with Tc-99m isonitriles following successful coronary revascularization. Circulation 90:1694;1994.
  • Schwarz ER, Schaper J, vom Dahl J, Schaper W, Buell U, Hanrath P. Myocardial hibernation is not sufficient to prevent morphological disar­rangements with ischemic cell alterations and increased fibrosis. Circulation 90:2028;1994.
  • Schwarz ER, vom Dahl J, Klues HG. ß-blocker therapy improves coronary flow alterations and alleviates ischemic symptoms in patients with myocardial muscle bridges. Circulation 90:2629;1994.
  • vom Dahl J, Altehoefer C, Schulz G, Schwarz ER, Buell U, Hanrath P. Reversible resting Tc-99m sestamibi defects following coronary revascularization indicate underestimation of myocardial viability by resting sestamibi scintigraphy. J Nucl Cardiol 2:S4;1995. Finalist for Young Investigator Award, Cannes 1995.
  • Schwarz ER, vom Dahl J, Schaper J, Altehoefer C, Schaper J, Schaper W, Buell U, Hanrath P. Ultrastructural analysis reveals different degrees of morphological degeneration in hibernating myocardium. J Nucl Cardiol 2:S46;1995. Finalist for Young Investigator Award, Cannes 1995.
  • Schwarz ER, Montino H, Klues HG, Hanrath P. Selective angiotensin II receptor antagonism does not influence myocardial stunning but augments ischemic preconditioning in the pig heart. J Am Coll Cardiol 163A; 1995.
  • vom Dahl J, Altehoefer C, Büchin P, Schulz G, Beilin I, Schwarz ER, Schöndube F, Messmer BJ, Buell U, Hanrath P. Long-term follow-up in patients with CAD: nuclear viability testing and prognosis. [Langzeitverlauf bei Patienten mit koronarer Herzkrankheit: Nuklearmedizinische Vitalitätsdiagnostik und Prognose]. Z Kardiol 84 Suppl 1:3;1995.
  • vom Dahl J, Altehoefer C, Schulz G, Beilin I, Schwarz ER, Buell U. Reversibility of Tc 99m isonitril defects after successful revascularization. [Reversibilität von Tc 99m Isonitril (MIBI) Defekten nach erfolgreicher Koronarrevaskularisation: Hinweise für eine präoperative Unterschätzung der Myokardvitalität durch MIBI]. Z Kardiol 84 Suppl:118;1995.
  • Schwarz ER, Klues HG, vom Dahl J. Betablockers improve phasic blood flow velocities and eliminate angina in patients with myocardial bridging. [ß-Blockertherapie verändert die phasischen Blutflußgeschwindigkeiten und eliminiert pectanginöse Beschwerden bei Patienten mit koronaren Muskelbrücken]. Z Kardiol 84 Suppl 1:177;1995.
  • vom Dahl J, Altehoefer C, Buechin P, Schulz G, Schwarz ER. Long-term follow-up of patients undergoing combined nuclear viability imaging with Tc-99m sestamibi scintigraphy and F-18 fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography. Eur Heart J 16:371;1995.
  • Schwarz ER, Montino H, Fleischhauer J, Hanrath P. The role of angiotensin II-receptor antagonism potentiates myocardial protection in the pig heart. Eur Heart J 16:339;1995.
  • Schwarz ER, Klues HG, vom Dahl J. ß-blocker therapy attenuates luminal diameter reductions, reduces phasic blood flow velocities, and alleviates anginal symptoms in patients with myocardial bridges. Eur Heart J 16:386;1995.
  • Schwarz ER, Fleischhauer J, Schütz T, Foresti M, Chakupurakal R, vom Dahl J, Klues HG. Angiotensin II receptor antagonism reduces infarct size in the pig heart. Circulation 92:I-454-55;1995.
  • Schwarz ER, Schaper J, vom Dahl J, Schöndube F, Buell U, Hanrath P. Cardiac adaptation to chronic ischemia is insufficient to preserve contractile function and structural integrity in human hibernating myocardium. Hung Soc Cardiol 13:5; 1996.
  • Schwarz ER, Fleischhauer J, Foresti M, Schuetz T, Chakupurakal R. Myocardial protection by angiotensin II receptor blockade in a model of ischemia–reperfusion in the pig heart. [Myokardprotektion durch Angiotensin II Rezeptor Blockade im Ischämie-Reperfusionsmodell am Schweineherzen]. Z Kardiol 85 (Suppl 2):131; 1996.
  • Schwarz ER, Schaper J, vom Dahl J, Schmiedtke N, Schöndube F, Büll U, Schaper W. Preservation of structural integrity in hibernating myocardium requires early revascularization. Eur Heart J 17(Suppl):102;1996.
  • Schwarz ER, vom Dahl J, Koch KC, Klues HG, Hanrath P. The role of angiotensin II in ischemic preconditioning: protection is mediated by angiotensin II and can be inhibited by angiotensin II receptor blockade. J Am Coll Cardiol 27:293A; 1996.
  • Schulz G, Kupferschläger J, Kaiser HJ, vom Dahl J, Wagenknecht J, Schwarz ER, Margraf R, Büll U. Non-transmissive attenuation correction and scatter correction of Tc-99m cardiac SPECT in patients with and without perfusion defects. Eur J Nucl Med 23:1049; 1996.
  • vom Dahl J, Altehoefer C, Büchin P, Schulz G, Schwarz ER, Buell U, Hanrath P. Myocardial viability imaging using sestamibi scintigraphy and F-18-fluoro-deoxy-glucose positron emission tomography identifies patients with greatest benefit from coronary revascularization. J Am Coll Cardiol 27:300A; 1996.
  • Koch KC, Schulz G, vom Dahl J, Verhasselt S, Schwarz ER, Reffelmann T, Büll U, Hanrath P. Viability testing with Tl-201 SPECT: predictive value of reversibility of regional wall motion abnormalities. [Vitalitätsdiagnostik mit Tl-201 SPECT: Vorhersage der Reversibilität regionaler myokardialer Wandbewegungsstörungen]. Z Kardiol 85 (Suppl 5):81; 1996.
  • Koch KC, Schulz G, Verhasselt S, Schwarz ER, Reffelmann T, Büll U, vom Dahl J. Prediction of angiographically proven recovery of regional wall motion by Tl-201 myocardial scintigraphy. Circulation 94:I-239; 1996.
  • Schwarz ER, vom Dahl J, Schaper J, Schmiedtke N, Schoemdube F, Schaper W. Downregulation in hibernating myocardium is a time-dependent process and preservation of structural integrity requires early revascularization. J Am Coll Cardiol 27:220A; 1997.
  • Klues HG, Schwarz ER, vom Dahl J, Haager P, Hanrath P. Intracoronary stent implantation – a new therapeutical approach in highly symptomatic patients with myocardial bridging. J Am Coll Cardiol 29:220A; 1997.
  • Klues HG, Schwarz ER, vom Dahl J, Reffelmann T, Minartz J. Intracoronary stent implantation – alternative therapy in symptomatic patients with myocardial bridges. [Intrakoronare Stent-Implantation – eine alternative Therapiestrategie bei symptomatischen Patienten mit Muskelbrücken]. Z Kardiol 86 (Suppl.1):52; 1997.
  • Klues HG, vom Dahl J, Schwarz ER, Minartz J, Reffelmann T, Hanrath P. Intracoronary stent implantation – an alternative technique for the treatment of symptomatic patients with myocardial bridging. Eur Heart J 18 (Suppl.):385; 1997.
  • vom Dahl J, Schwarz ER, Schaper J. “Hibernating” myocardium requires early revascularization to prevent irreversible cellular damage. J Nucl Cardiol 4 (Suppl.):18; 1997.
  • vom Dahl J, Schwarz ER, Schaper J, Hanrath P. Hibernating myocardium requires early revascularization to prevent irreversible structural deterioration. [Hibernating Myokard erfordert die frühzeitige Revaskularisation zur Vermeidung irreversibler struktureller Schäden]. Z Kardiol 86(Suppl. 2):180; 1997.
  • Schoendube FA, Schwarz ER, Doerge H, Messmer BJ, Hanrath P “Hibernating myocardium” yearns for coronary bypass grafting. Eur J Cardiovasc Surg Proc 10:394; 1997.
  • Schoendube FA, Schwarz ER, Doerge H, vom Dahl J, Schaper J. Hibernating myocardium is a dynamic unstable process asking for early intervention. [“Hibernating Myocardium” – ein dynamischer Prozess, der frühzeitige koronare Revaskularisation erfordert]. Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 45 (Suppl. 1):108; 1997.
  • Schwarz ER, Pollick C, Kloner RA. New techniques for quantitative and qualitative assessment of myocardial structure and function in the rat heart: transthoracic, transesophageal, and intracavitary echocardiography. [Neue Techniken zur quantitativen und qualitativen Evaluierung myokardialer Struktur und kontraktiler Funktion in Rattenherzen: transthorakale, transösophageale und intrakavitäre Echokardiographie]. Z Kardiol 87 (Suppl 1):145;1998.
  • Haager PK, Schwarz ER, Radke P, Reffelmann T, Minnartz J, vom Dahl J, Klues HG. Long-term effects of stenting myocardial bridges. [Langzeiteffekte der Stent-Implantation bei Patienten mit symptomatischen myokardialen Muskelbrücken]. Z Kardiol 87 (Suppl 1):304;1998.
  • Schwarz ER, Speakman MT, Patterson M, Hale SL, Kedes L, Kloner RA. Effect of intramyocardial injection of DNA expressing vascular endothelial growth factor in myocardial infarct tissue in the rat heart – angiogenesis and angioma formation. Circulation 98 Suppl. I 456; 1998.
  • Schwarz ER, Speakman MT, Kloner RA. A novel technique of plication without resection for treating infarct expansion and remodeling. Circulation 98 Suppl. I 418; 1998.
  • Schwarz ER, Kloner RA. Echocardiographic assessment of a new model for non-ischemic cardiomyopathy. [Ein neues Kleintiermodell einer nicht-ischämischen Kardiomyopathie und deren echokardiographische Evaluierung]. Z Kardiol (Suppl. III), 1998.
  • Janssens U, Karassimos E, Königs B, Reith S, Koch KC, Radke P, Schwarz ER. Regional pCO2 gap is not superior to intramucosal pHi with regard to outcome prediction. Crit Care Med 22:A14;1998.
  • Schwarz ER, Kloner RA. Modified Batista reduction as a new approach to improve cardiac function and prevent remodeling following myocardial infarction. [Eine modifizierte, nicht resezierende ‚Batista‘-Kardioreduktion als neues experimentelles Verfahren zur Verbesserung der kardialen Funktion und Verhinderung des Remodelings nach Myokardinfarkt]. Z Kardiol 88:222; 1999.
  • Schwarz ER, Hale S, Speakman M, Kloner RA. Intramyocardial growth factor application induces angiogenesis in the rat heart. [Intramyokardiale Injektion von VEGF-DNA induziert Angiogenese aber auch angiomatöse Tumore im chronischen Myokardinfarktmodell der Ratte]. Z Kardiol 88:44;1999.
  • Schwarz ER, Kloner RA. Direct VEGF therapy induces capillary growth but does not affect function in rat hearts. [Direkte Applikation der DNA für vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) in die Randfbereiche infarzierten Myokards induziert Angiogenese ohne Verbesserung der regionalen Myokardperfusion bei Ratten]. Z Kardiol 88:133; 1999.
  • Schwarz ER, Speakman M, Hale SL, Kloner RA. Intramyocardial application of vascular endothelial growth factor induces angiogenesis but does not augment myocardial perfusion in the rat heart. Eur Heart J 20:13;1999.
  • Haager PK, Dechene A, Radke PW, Schwarz ER, Hoffmann R, Janssens U, Klues HG, vom Dahl J. Acute and longterm results with an endoluminal polytetrafluoroethylene stent graft in patients with in-stent restenosis and venous coronary bypass grafts. Circulation 100:I-294; 1999.
  • Haager PK, Schwarz ER, Reffelmann T, Minartz J, Hanrath P. Two year clinical and 6 month angiographic follow-up in 11 symptomatic patients with stent implantation for coronary bridging. Am J Cardiol ;84:24P; 1999.
  • Janssens U, Karassimos E, Königs B, Schwarz ER, Hanrath P. Regional pCO2 arterial pCO2 gap is not superior to intramucosal pH with regard to outcome prediction. Crit Care Med 27:A54; 1999.
  • Krüger S, Breuer C, Seipelt I, Schwarz ER. Lung function testing to differentiate exercise capacity in chronic heart failure patients. [Lungenfunktionelle Parameter zur Differenzierung der Belastbarkeit von Patienten mit chronischer Herzinsuffizienz]. Pneumologie 54:S6; 2000.
  • Krüger S, Breuer C, Seipelt I, Schwarz ER. Pulmonary and endothelial function determine exercise capacity in patients with advanced heart failure. [Pulmonale Parameter und Endotheldysfunktion bestimmen die Belastbarkeit von Patienten mit chronischer Herzinsuffizienz]. Z Kardiol 89, Suppl. 5:294; 2000.
  • Skobel E, Reffelmann T, Schwarz ER. The effect of presynaptic nerve endings in interstitial ATP depletion. [Einfluß präsynaptischer Nervenendigungen bei der interstitiellen ATP-Freisetzung]. Z Kardiol 89, Suppl. 5; 163; 2000.
  • Reffelmann T, Kerstin PH, Meven DA, Skobel CE, Schwarz ER. Infarct size reduction by carvedilol and BM 91.9228. [Infarktgrößenreduktion durch Carvedilol und den Carvedilolmetaboliten BM 91.9228 bei Rattenherzen]. Z Kardiol 89, Suppl. 5:22; 2000.
  • Schwarz ER, Reffelmann T, Kerstin PH, Meven D, Skobel E, Hanrath P. Carvedilol and its hydroxylated metabolite BM 91.0228 induce increased tolerance towards ischemia with smaller infarcts after transient coronary occlusion in the rat heart. Eur Heart J 21:40; 2000.
  • Schwarz ER, Hale S, Kloner RA. Do transplanted cardiomyocytes augment global left ventricular in infarcted rat heart. Eur Heart J 21:499; 2000.
  • Reffelmann T, Schwarz ER, Skobel CE, Hanrath P. Activation of ATP-sensitive potassium channels in hypoxic cardiac failure is not mediated by adenosine 1-receptors in the rat heart. Eur Heart J 21:512; 2000.
  • Krüger S, Schwarz ER, Breuer C, Hanrath P. Pulmonary factors and endothelial dysfunction determine exercise tolerance and extent of dyspnea in patients with chronic heart failure. Eur Heart J 21:660; 2000.
  • Schwarz ER, Hale SL, Kloner RA. Do transplanted cardiomyocytes augment global left ventricular function in infarcted rat heart? J Am Coll Cardiol 35, Suppl A, 394A; 2000.
  • Hoffmann R, Haager P, Kerckhoff G, Schwarz ER, Franke A, vom Dahl J, Hanrath P. High pressure stent implantation is requested even with less rigid second generation stents to obtain large follow-up lumen dimensions. An intravascular ultrasound study. J Am Coll Cardiol 35, Suppl A, 45A; 2000.
  • Schwarz ER, Kersting PH, Meven P, Reffelmann T, Skobel EC, Hanrath P. Antiapoptotic effects of carvedilol are not mediated by its beta-adrenergic receptor blocking properties. J Am Coll Cardiol 37,648A; 2001.
  • Skobel CE, Schuh A, Reffelmann T, Kamensin S, Klosterhalfen B, Schwarz ER, Hanrath P. Fetal cardiomyocyte transplantation after myocardial infarction improves and maintains heart function on a long-term follow-up in the rat model. Eur Heart J 22: Suppl, 489; 2001.
  • Reffelmann T, Schwarz ER, Skobel CE, vom Dahl J, Hanrath P. Poststenotic coronary blood flow at rest is not altered by therapeutic doses of the oral antidiabetic glyburide. Eur Heart J 22: Suppl 503; 2001.
  • Skobel CE, Reffelmann T, Schuh A, Klosterhalfen B, Kamenzin S, Schwarz ER. Fetal cardiomyocyte transplantation after myocardial infarction improves and maintains heart function on a long-term follow-up in the rat model. Circulation 104 (Suppl), II-271, 2001.
  • Reffelmann T, Skobel CE, Hanrath P, vom Dahl J, Schwarz ER. Poststenotic coronary blood flow at rest is not altered by therapeutical doses of the oral antidiabetic glyburide in patients with coronary artery disease. Eur Heart J 22 Suppl 67;2001.
  • Lepper W, Siersweda GT, Franke A, Kamp O, de Cook CC, Schwarz ER, Voci P, Visser CA, Hoffmann R. Repeated evaluations of coronary flow profile in patients with acute myocardial infarction – comparison with IV contrast echocardiography. [Wiederholte Beurteilung des koronaren Flussprofils bei Patienten mit erstem akuten Myokardinfarkt – Vergleich mit der intravenoesen Kontrastechocardiographie]. Z Kardiol 84:111; 2002.
  • Schwarz ER, Meven DA, Kersting PH, Tussing T, Skobel EC, Hanrath P. Monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 induced monocyte infiltration and angiogenesis does not result in arteriogenesis or improved cardiac function in chronically infarcted myocardium. J Am Coll Cardiol 43:271A; 2004.
  • Schwarz ER, Diep TP, Skobel EC, Nowak B, Kostin S, Grohmann B. Carvedilol preserves cellular integrity and improves outcome in patients with chronic hibernating myocardium after revascularization. J Am Coll Cardiol 43:296A; 2004.
  • Kapur V, Rastogi S, Rosanio S, Schwarz ER. Significance of sexual dysfunction among patients with heart failure. Hoax or reality? J Cardiac Fail 13, S151, 2007.